1868-01-14 Abdication Shogun
France and the United Kingdom to support the shogun by force of arms as rumors fly that he has been forced to abdicate.
France and the United Kingdom to support the shogun by force of arms as rumors fly that he has been forced to abdicate.
Report on the situation in Japan in early 1868, in Dutch daily Nederlandsche staatscourant, showing the lack of understanding of what was happening.
The French Moniteu and London Examiner accuse the foreign powers in Japan of hypocrisy after the Kobe and Sakai incidents.
Imperial maneuvers. Tokyo-Yokohama railway construction. Education. Dutch failure to influence Japanese government with educators.
Dutch diplomats and consuls in Japan in 1876 as published in the Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Dutch diplomats and consuls in Japan in 1882 as published in the Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Estimated cost of the reconstruction of the legation in Tokyo after its destruction during the 1923 earthquake.
Dutch diplomats and consuls in Japan in 1940 as published in the Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Dutch diplomats and consuls in Japan between 1946 and 1948 as published in the Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Dutch diplomats and consuls in Japan in 1949 as published in the Staatsalmanak voor het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.